Why Do Scammers Use WhatsApp and Google Chat to Message Victims?
The Reasons Scammers Use WhatsApp and Google Chat: Exploring Anonymity, Global Reach, and More In today's digital age, messaging apps have become an integral part of our lives. Among the numerous messaging platforms available, Google Chat and WhatsApp are two of the most popular choices. These platforms are widely used for various purposes, including online dating, networking, and staying connected with friends and family. Anonymity and Privacy: The Appeal for Scammers One of the primary reasons scammers prefer using WhatsApp and Google Chat is the anonymity and privacy these platforms offer. Unlike other social media platforms or dating apps, WhatsApp and Google Chat do not require users to provide personal information such as their full name, email address, or phone number. This anonymity allows scammers to create multiple accounts without revealing their true identity. They can easily change their name or profile picture to appear as someone completely different, ma...